About Us


Pastor Asobo George and Prophetess Constance Asobo were born in Cameroon, Africa in the northwest province. Pastor Asobo became aborn-again Christian in 1986 under the ministry of Reverend Ben Shaven, a missionary from Germany with the Full Gospel Mission Church. In 1991 Pastor Asobo received the call to serve in full-time ministry. He left his tailoring business and attended the Full Gospel Theological School in Cameroon, and graduated in 1993 with a diploma in Theology. He served as a pastor in a village church located in Nkwen, Bamenda, Cameroon where he met his future wife, Constance. Prophetess Constance was already a born-again Christian when they met, having received Jesus Christ as a teenager.


The Asobos were married in 1996 in the church where he was serving as pastor. The following year their first son was born. To date, the Asosbos are proud parents of four children. In 1994 Pastor Asobo founded the Prison Fellowship – Cameroon (PFC) where he served as Board Chairman, and Executive Director. The PFC was soon affiliated with the Prison Fellowship International (PFI) in 1997. In 2000 Pastor Asobo attended Haggai Institute (headquartered in Maui, Hawaii) and studied at their school in Singapore, graduating with a certificate in Leadership. Prophetess Constance attended Victory Bible College in Limbe, Cameroon, whose headquarters is in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and earned a diploma in Theology and Leadership. In 2001 Pastor Asobo served as a missionary in Penang, Malaysia with the Living Waters Church. While he lived in Malaysia, he traveled back and forth to Thailand, doing missionary work with the Full Gospel Church and a Baptist church in Bangkok. Prophetess Constance also served as a missionary for one year in Munyenge, Cameroon, and worked with their Homeland Missions program. Prophetess Constance has been widely recognized in the United States for her prophetic gifts. Pastor Asobo attended international conferences serving as speakers and course facilitators. In 1997 Pastor Asobo attended the international conference of Prison Fellowship International (PFI) in Manilla, Philippines, founded by Charles Chuck Colson, former advisor to President Nixon. He also met with Mr. Colson amd the former president of the Phillippine Corazon Aquino.


We are called on to pray and serve in the capacity of a non-denominational Christian Ministry with the intention to serve the entire Body of Christ through Jesus Christ. We pray, preach, evangelize, and teach in order to empower individuals, other ministries, and churches through crusades, seminars, and conferences. The Bethel Covenant Of Grace Revival Ministries International is fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by taking the love of God and the compassion of Jesus Christ to all nations of the world. By harnessing our human, material, and financial resources, we strive to meet the needs of believers and servants of God in need, of the handicapped and disabled, and of the Homeless.

What We Believe:

We believe in God, the Father Almighty.2. We believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior, the Son of God, being true God and true Man, yet existing without sin. Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified and died on the cross of Calvary as our Savior for the redemption of the people of the world. Jesus Christ arose bodily from the dead after three days, just as He promised. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, and He now intercedes for His followers and sits at the right hand of God the Father. As Lord and King, He will return to earth and be forever united with His Church.3. We believe in the Holy Spirit.4. We believe in ONE UNIVERSAL CHURCH consisting of all true born-again and sanctified followers of Jesus Christ.5. We believe in the Divine Inspiration of the WHOLE Bible, and that it is all-sufficient for faith and practice.6. We believe in the utter sinfulness and lost condition of man, and that true spiritual regeneration and repentance can only be obtained by faith through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ..

We also believe in:

Water baptism by immersion, preceded by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:11) The Gifts and Fruits of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:8-10 and Galatians 5:22-23) Spiritual Ministries (Ephesians 4:11) Divine Healing Eternal life and reward for every true, born-again Christian Sanctification of the believer Falling away from Grace Bodily resurrection of the dead The eternal condemnation of Satan and his followers. The Bethel Covenant Of Grace Revival and Ministries International Is open to work with other organizations who serve the whole of mankind.

Are you a Christian?

Do you understand what it means to be a Born-Again Christian? Have you ever wondered what happens when we die? Have you ever wondered about Jesus Christ? – who He is, and whether you need to have a personal relationship with Him? Many people believe in God the Father, and in Jesus Christ, the son of God, but not as many are willing to be obedient to His commands and truly follow Christ. Do you have questions about Jesus Christ and about being a Christian? Have you ever wondered where you stand or what God thinks?

Are you a Christian?

God is Our Creator God is the Master Artist and Creator. He created the universe and everything in it, and He created us so that we could have fellowship with him. God loves us and wants us to experience His love, His peace, and life -abundantly, and for all eternity. The Bible says Romans 5:1: Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God, through Our Lord Jesus Christ.John 3:16: for God so loved the world, that He gave His One and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but shall have eternal life John 10:10: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.